° 120 grados F
My name is Ira, and I am proud to be the founder of 120 Degrees F - Unisex Holistic Secret Day Spa that has established itself as a unique healing and rejuvenation oasis where we take an outstanding care of the wellbeing of your ENTIRE system - your physical body, your psychosomatic system, your energy system, and your divine consciousness through various patented holistic rejuvenating and healing techniques, Quantum Upgrade, and the latest advances in science and beauty/healing industry.
We've been consistently providing INTUITIVE and INDIVIDUAL treatments/sessions to our clients, even in facials and massages. We are currently the only Day Spa in the US that offers NATURAL Face and Body Sculpting, NATURAL Pain Management, Energy Therapy that works with your energy system directly (not through channeling), Quantum Jump, BMS Matrix Treatment, and Oxygen Cocktails.
Our mission is to transform people's mentality in regards to their health, beauty, wellbeing, and mind power through addressing both their physical/emotional health concerns and aging naturally and holistically. Our vision is to disrupt Botox, cosmetic surgery and chiropractor practices (or any other services that damage a human system) while Quantum upgrading our clients, so that their mind power becomes a regular source of their own holistic healing, natural rejuvenation, and extended longevity.
If you have any inquiries, please, shoot me a massage in the chat and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
"Our only limitation is our own mind. It is nothing but a set of old programs and habits, fears and traumatic experiences, constraints dictated by society and human history. Hacking our own mind settings and switching them to display the reality we want is what I mean by "being a creator of my own life" and is a clear and only path to pure happiness, desired longevity and appearance, our healed selves, and unconditional love. The time to break free has come." - 120°F Day Spa
Love yourself!